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Rp 9.020.000 Rp 8.118.000
Category: Kayak.
Rp 7.660.000 Rp 6.894.000
Rp 21.650.000 Rp 19.485.000
Rp 9.770.000 Rp 8.793.000
Rp 10.770.000 Rp 9.693.000
Rp 8.000.000 Rp 6.800.000
Rp 16.660.000 Rp 14.161.000
Rp 9.880.000 Rp 8.892.000
Rp 13.270.000 Rp 11.943.000
Kungfu Kayak
Panjang : 2,75 Mtr
Lebar : 0,73 Mtr
Tinggi : 0,30 Mtr
Maksimal Berat : 79 Kg
Bahan : Plastik LLDPE
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